Review Policy

Hi, thank you for stopping by my review policy page. I truly appreciate your willingness to learn more about my reading preferences.

What can you expect?

I take blogging very seriously. I believe that as a book blogger, I am to provide my readers with my most honest opinions. If I thought the book was completely terrible, I will state that and provide you reasons as to why I didn't enjoy the book. If the book was amazing, I will rave on and on about why I couldn't put it down.

My reviews will consist of my thoughts and feelings about the novels. I review majority of the novels that I read. Although, I do have a life outside of blogging, and I do my best to upload weekly content for my readers. (Disclaimer: Life does get in the way, sometimes and I do fall behind on my reviews. But, I do my best to catch up on them ASAP.)


1. Do you accept e-books for review? Yes, I do accept e-books. (Smashwords, Netgalley etc.) However, I do prefer hardbacks and paperbacks.

2. Do you accept indie titles? Yes, I do. I am a strong believer, in independent publishing and that just because a book isn't published by a big time publisher doesn't mean the content is any less worthy of reading.

3. What types of Novels do you accept? I love all sorts of books, and free to explore different genres of reading.

My Personal Favorites
Paranormal Fantasy
New Adult
Chick lit
Contemporary Fiction

I also accept
Science fiction
Historical Romance
Paranormal Romance
Contemporary Romance
Indie titles

I normally don't accept
nonfiction - Biographical/autobiographies/memeriors
Titles with religious content

I don't normally accept series for review. I will however, accept the first and second the book in the series.

When I accept a title for review:
It doesn't guarantee that I will review that title. If I have no interest in reading a novel, it will be passed on to another blogger that would like to review it. It will all depend on my reading schedule and how it corresponds with my school work.

How long will it take for a review to go up?

I try to review everything that I receive in a timely fashion. If it is a new release, I will post a review the month that the release is supposed to occur to establish hype about the book. If the book isn't a new release it will make itself into the to be read pile for the month, that the book was received.

Author Interviews and Guest Post

I would love to have guest posts and do author interviews. However, I do ask to have notice in advance if you want to interviewed on my blog so, I can have enough time to read an authors novel and have questions to discuss with the author.


I am very open in hosting giveaways on Booksinw0nderland, if you would like to participate please e-mail me.

Need To Get In Contact with me? Please E-mail me @:

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