Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Novel Rambles: Phantasma (Phantasma #1)

Paperback: 262 pages 
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 24, 2013)

SynopsisThe story follows a young girl, by the name of Alphie, for as long as she can remember, she has been battling narcolepsy (which is a sleeping disorder that she can't control). Alphie, struggles with bullying and wishes that her condition would just go away so, she can be a normal girl and live a normal life. What Alphie, doesn't know is that her condition goes deeper than just a sleeping disorder.  As her condition worsens, she meets a spirit named Noer, who begins haunting her. Alphie, is determined to get rid of him and will do anything in her power but, as her life becomes threatened by a masked intruder that is after a necklace, left behind by her grandfather, Alphie begins to question maybe Noer is the only one that can save her and make sense of what is happening in her life. 

REVIEW: First, lets begin by talking about the plot. I thought that the plot was quiet interesting. I enjoy, reading about sleeping disorder fantasy, having only read one book on the topic before, I was very intrigued by what the author is going to do with this story. The plot revolves around Alphie, our main character, she is a very spunky and dark girl. The story takes off when Alphie and her sister Robyn are having a garage sell, their mother instructed that they must sell all of their grandfather's belongings. While, setting the sell up Alphie, discovers a strange necklace that she couldn't help but keep for herself. The necklace, intrigues Alphie and there is something about it that tells her it is more than just a necklace, when she is fiddling with it she discovers that the necklace opens and it has mysterious lettering in the inside of it. Without really knowing what she is doing she lets a spirit by the name of Noer, out of entrapment.

Neor is an amazing character, he is spooky and mysterious.Yet, Alphie is determined to get rid of him. When her life becomes endangered  and the only person that is there to save her is Neor, she knows that a friendship is about to begin. I loved Neor, for those of us who are "Deathnote" fans, Neor really reminded me Ryuk. 

The book was a little confusing to me at parts, where it just didn't flow. I had to do a lot of guess work on what was happening which was one of the reasons I gave it a 3/5 stars. I think that the idea for the novel itself was very interesting and has a lot of potential. I would have enjoyed the book a little more if, there was some background description. Throughout the novel, there was a lot of jumping around between the spirit world and the world that Alphie lived in, as well as some out of body experiences that occurred. They were great at the beginning where the character as well as the reader are trying to figure out what is going on, with Alphie's narcolepsy. As the story progress and we find more about the reason why Alphie struggles from sleeping spells background information would have really help tie the lose ends.

There were a lot of minor characters that really played big parts in the story. For example Robyn, Alphie's big sister; was in my mind, a great mother figure. Although, there was a character specifically written as "the mother" she was absent a majority of the book. Robyn, played Alphie's friend and adult figure to look up too as well. I think that the relationship created between them played out really well. She also, tide up all the lose ends between, Alphie's love interest Cary as well. 

Cary, was one of my least favorite characters. I didn't really understand the obsession that the girls had with him until the very end of the novel where everything was put together. At the end you can tell that the he was destined for a big part in the book, but wasn't given enough background for the reader to connect with him.

I did enjoy, reading this book but as I said before I just wish there was some more background information on the characters and their story line's so you can better connect with them. There is going to be a second book in the series, and although I wasn't completely sold on this on, I am interested to see where the story takes off and if the reader will be provided with more in depth resources on the different worlds that the book revolves around and the different spirits that occupy them.

Phantasma (Book and Book Cover (Picture) by Penelope Reece

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